Egg Striking the Earth Contest
So as to cultivate students’ operational abilities& their consciousness of innovation, further arouse their interest in physics, on the afternoon of 16th May, during the process of extracurricular activities, Anqing Foreign Language School’s Junior High Division of the west campus held a spectacular ‘Egg Striking the Earth’ Event, which won strong support from school leaders. The competition attained desired effect with coordination of the Teaching& Discipline Section in addition to the joint efforts of all teachers in the Physics Department. Also, the campaign enabled students to experience the charm of science& technology and gain pleasure in challenging.
Initially, each class from Grade 8 selected the best two samples to participate with the request that students should toss a raw egg onto the cement floor to guarantee the intactness of the egg. Afterwards, judges were supposed to grade each class in terms of fixed point and weight. The one with the top comprehensive score would be the winner.
Furthermore, students positively used their wits to protect the raw egg from cracking. On the one hand, some of them needed parachutes& balloons to lower the speed of the descent, remitting the impact strength of landing. On the other hand, other students used cotton, sponge as well as foamed plastic to wrap the raw egg solidly with elaborate care. Other than that, some even designed a tripod for the egg to let it suspend. All in all, they embodied the proverb of ‘Eight Fairies Lead sea, Each Show Magical Power’.
In summary, this grand event not only let students study knowledge in order to apply it& stimulate their ardor for learning, but also mobilized their appetite for new knowledge. We shall continue to implement scientific& technological innovation activities like this from now on in order that each and every one of us shall achieve our development through experiencing, taking root of the seed of science into student’s hearts.
The final results of the contest are as follows:
First-place winners: Classes 5,7&13 from Grade 8.
Second-award victors: Classes 1,4,8,9&12 from Grade 8.
Third-prize gainers: Classes 2,3,6,10,11&14 from Grade 8.










